Upcoming Events

Women Entrepreneurship Week

Date & Time Friday, October 22 12:00am
Contact Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, info@isupjcenter.org

Iowa State University joins more than 150 universities and colleges in celebration of Women Entrepreneurship Week from October 18-22, 2021. Join us across campus for a week of collaboration events featuring women entrepreneurs, and read the stories of why women create. Institutions on six continents have joined the WEW movement, and the list continues to grow. Learn more about the upcoming WEW events happening all across the world.



The Women Who Create™ Conference brings together women entrepreneurs, women business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs, and individuals of all genders who support women entrepreneurs for a full day of workshops and speakers aimed at starting or growing a business. The Women Who Create™ Conference takes place at Iowa State University and is hosted by the ISU Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship. Cost to attend is $50, limited to the first 50 people. The first 10 Iowa State students to register will receive free admission to the conference. Students should contact Megan Sweere, msweere@iastate.edu, for the coupon code. 

Register Here


Following the Women Who Create™ Conference, we invite the public to attend the uniquely inspiring SheTalks event: a community cocktail reception featuring six women who are creatively leading in their distinct fields. Taken from the Japanese-inspired Pecha Kucha, each presenter shows 20 slides, each for 20 seconds while telling their story. The event will be hosted at the ISU Research Park by the ISU Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship and is sponsored by the ISU Debbie & Jerry Ivy College of Business. This fun and inspiring event is free to attend; however, registration is appreciated.

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