Upcoming Events

Young Entrepreneur Convention

Date & Time Saturday, February 25 8:00am-8:00pm
Location Student Innovation Center
Contact Clayton Mooney, clayton@yeconvention.com

YE Convention offers a face-to-face forum for successful founders to offer insight, tools, and meaningful connections to aspiring founders.

Founded in 2016, the Young Entrepreneur Convention quickly established itself as a unique value-add for up-and-comers.

In drawing an audience from across the United States with speakers plugged into the entrepreneurial movement, it proved much more than a conference—it was in all respects an experience.

Now hosted at the Student Innovation Center on the campus of Iowa State University, the 5th anniversary of Young Entrepreneur Convention is a can’t-miss event.

YEC is poised to offer insight and tools presented by established, successful founders to aid new entrepreneurs and aspiring founders in the wild world of startups.

In addition, YE Convention is proud to host the largest one-day Elevator Pitch Competition in the United States.

YEC is the starting line for startups … YE Convention 2023 is a MUST for young founders!

FREE student tickets are available courtesy of the Iowa State University Start Something Network. Use code “ISU” for free conference registration! ISU email required at registration.

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