Course Descriptions

Courses offered in Entrepreneurship

BUSAD 292: Entrepreneurship & Innovation Learning Community (EILC) Seminar

(1-0) Cr. 1.  Open to all majors and classifications.

The course includes an introduction to entrepreneurship and innovation, accompanied by field trips, guest speakers, mentoring, and hands-on learning activities. Students earn 1 credit per semester and can accumulate 3 credits which can be applied to the experiential learning credit required in the Entrepreneurial Studies Minor.

*Instructor: Judi Eyles, ISU Pappajohn Center.  Learn more about the EILC Learning Community.

BUSAD 491: Professional Experiential Learning:  Okoboji Entrepreneurship Institute

(3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Junior or Senior classification, selection process & interview.

At the Okoboji Entrepreneurship Institute, students participate in advanced study of entrepreneurship that includes an entrepreneurial simulation; seminars with successful entrepreneurs, business, and community leaders; networking and mentoring to enhance their understanding of entrepreneurship opportunities in Iowa

*Week-long course in August, commitment to entire Institute (Sunday through Friday).  Learn more and apply here.

ENTSP 310: Entrepreneurship and Innovation

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: Sophomore classification

Review of the entrepreneurial process with emphasis on starting a new business. How to analyze opportunities, develop an innovative product, organize, finance, market, launch, and manage a new venture. Deals with the role of the entrepreneur and the importance of a business plan. Speakers and field project.

ENTSP 313: Feasibility Analysis and Business Planning

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: ENTSP 310

Developing an idea for a new business venture, conducting a feasibility study, researching the potential market, analyzing the competition, and writing a formal business plan. Basic business functions are discussed in terms of their application to conducting a feasibility analysis and writing a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture.

ENTSP 410: Social Entrepreneurship

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: Sophomore classification

This course will introduce students to issues related to the role of social entrepreneurship in helping to solve social problems, including innovation, opportunity recognition, planning and the launch of new non-profit organizations.

ENTSP 431: Small Business Finance Decisions

Cr. 3. S. Prereq: FIN 310 or ENTSP 313 AND FIN 301

Integrative nature of small business financial decisions, from basic historical financial analysis to financial projections and valuation unique to small business. Utilize planning/valuation to reconcile the optimal exit date for the small business owner. Examination of this integrative approach through case study. Emphasis on practical application with a decision orientation. Group project working with a small business owner and related advisors/bankers to develop a plan that focuses on an optimal exit strategy.

ENTSP 480: Applied Entrepreneurship: Executing New Ventures and Projects

Cr. 3. Prereq: ENTSP 310 and ENTSP 313

Experiential learning through student-identified project. Students identify, propose and execute an experiential learning project that will be completed during the semester. The course provides application-oriented learning of entrepreneurship. The course project must include a significant experiential learning activity, such as launching a venture or business, writing a business plan, or completing an internship in an entrepreneurial setting. Requires a field project.

(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS. Prereq: ENTSP 310
A broad examination of historical, literary, and business perspectives on entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial process is studied by examining the role of individuals, new ventures, and established organizations in the discovery, evaluation, and exploitation of economic opportunities. Emphasis is placed on tracing the evolution of entrepreneurship theories over time, as well as analyzing current trends related to the study of entrepreneurship.

Check out all the Entrepreneurial Elective Courses to take within your major (PDF)