The Start Something Series is a series of webinars designed to inspire and teach the skillsets needed to start something (yes, this can lead to many pathways). Each March and April, Start Something series webinars are hosted weekly on Wednesdays over the lunch hour via Zoom to help you discover your passion and purpose to build something, whether it be a scalable business, a company of one, or a passionate side hustle.
The 2024 series is called “Beyond the Business Plan: Decoding the Entrepreneurial Mind” and will feature Iowa State University Ivy College of Business faculty sharing their areas of research in the realm of entrepreneurship. The sessions are as follows:
March 20: Entrepreneurial Health and Well-Being with Michael Lerman
March 27: Leveraging your Socioeconomic Background as a Strength with Kristie Moergen
April 3: Entrepreneurial Passion with Pol Herrmann, Mike Howard, and Shane Grivich
April 10: How Entrepreneurs Think Differently with Ileana Maldonado
April 17: The 1st 100 Days – Entrepreneur Personality and New Ventures with Paul Sanchez
Register for each session on our events page!
Previous Start Something Series include:
Marketing Fundamentals Series: |
Side Hustle Series:
Entrepreneurs’ Toolkit Series: | Passive Income Series: |
Video Library of Previous Webinars