As a streaming service for children, Bottlesodes TV is the answer to overstimulating and unsafe content on other outlets.
eLegalls provides law firms with an AI-driven court case prediction product alongside a cloud-based case management platform.
An automated Android app analysis tool that discovers forensic artifacts generated in the usage of Android apps, and evidence of potential security threats and privacy data leakage in Android apps.
Farmers and Robots is a Robots As A Service company to support small farms and specialty crops with robot labor and mechanical harvesters.
An app that listens and learns from the sounds a stroke victim makes and translates those sounds into intelligible and usable words that can be understood by family and care providers.
Kanga is a booking app and website for pretty much every industry that accepts appointments and reservations.
A remote-use chain saw with a stability-controlled cutting apparatus and bi-modal operation, allowing the operator to cut wood from a safe distance.
Cost-effective, high speed, and wireless charging centers for electric vehicles.
PROSPER leverages big data from commercial swine companies, providing owners data-driven insights for precision swine health and production management.
Hexcrete Technology will double the hub height of today’s wind turbines and reduce the cost of wind power.